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Best YouTube Channels to Learn Automation Testing

By Meghana D

Getting good at automation testing is super important in the tech world. It helps make sure that computer programs and apps work correctly and helps speed up the process of making them. If you want to learn more about automation testing, YouTube is a great place to start.

In this blog, we’re going to talk about some really awesome YouTube channels where you can learn all about automation testing. These channels are run by people who know a lot about the subject, and they share their knowledge in easy-to-understand videos.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or someone who already knows a bit about automation testing – there’s something here for everyone. So, if you want to get better at automation testing, keep reading to find out about the best YouTube channels that can help you. These channels will teach you everything you need to know to become a pro at testing software and making sure it works well. Let’s get started!

Table of contents

  1. Best YouTube Channels to Learn Automation Testing
    • The Testing Academy
    • Guru99
    • QAShahin
    • Joe Colantonio
    • Traversy Media
  2. Key Playlists to Learn Automation Testing
  3. Additional Resources to Learn Automation Testing
  4. Effective Learning Tips for Automation Testing
    • Set Clear Goals
    • Organize Your Learning
    • Take Notes
    • Engage Actively
    • Practice What You Learn
    • Ask Questions
    • Join Communities
    • Review and Recap
    • Stay Updated
    • Combine Multiple Resources
    • Teach Others
    • Stay Patient and Persistent
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs
    • What is automation testing, and why is it important?
    • What programming languages are commonly used in automation testing?
    • How can I start learning automation testing if I have no prior experience?

Best YouTube Channels to Learn Automation Testing

Here are some YouTube channels that are great for learning automation testing:

The Testing Academy

The Testing Academy youtube channel

The Testing Academy focuses specifically on software testing, including automation testing tools and techniques. They offer comprehensive tutorials and practical tips to help testers improve their skills. This channel is a valuable resource for those looking to excel in the field of software testing. The Testing Academy is suitable for beginners and intermediate testers. Their tutorials are structured to provide a strong foundation in automation testing.

The channel primarily focuses on Selenium WebDriver, Appium, and Java for automation testing. It covers topics ranging from setting up environments to scripting test cases. If you are new to automation testing and want to learn Selenium WebDriver or Appium with Java, The Testing Academy offers comprehensive resources.


Guru99 youtube channel

Guru99 offers a wide range of tutorials on software testing, including automation testing. They cover tools like Selenium, Appium, and TestComplete, along with scripting languages and frameworks. The channel provides practical examples and hands-on demonstrations to help testers grasp concepts effectively. Guru99’s tutorials cater to beginners and intermediate learners. They provide clear explanations and examples to help viewers understand automation testing concepts.

The channel covers Selenium WebDriver, Java for Selenium, TestNG, and various aspects of software testing. It offers practical examples and code samples. If you are starting your journey in automation testing and want to learn Selenium WebDriver with Java, Guru99’s tutorials are suitable for you.


QAShahin youtube channel

QAShahin, hosted by Shahin Pirooz, focuses on quality assurance and automation testing. The channel covers a wide range of topics, from test automation with Selenium to API testing and test automation frameworks. QAShahin is geared towards beginners and intermediate testers. The tutorials are structured to help viewers grasp automation testing fundamentals.

The channel covers Selenium WebDriver with Java, API testing with tools like Postman, and other automation testing concepts. It emphasizes practical application. If you are a beginner looking to learn Selenium WebDriver with Java or explore API testing, QAShahin’s tutorials can be valuable.


Joe Colantonio

Joe Colantonio youtube channel

Joe Colantonio’s YouTube channel provides valuable insights into automation testing, with a focus on tools like Selenium, Appium, and test automation strategies. Joe shares his expertise and knowledge to help testers enhance their automation skills. Joe Colantonio’s channel is suitable for a wide range of audiences, from beginners to advanced testers. It offers a variety of resources.

Joe’s channel covers a broad spectrum of automation testing topics, tools, and interviews with experts. It doesn’t focus on a specific tool, allowing viewers to explore different areas of automation testing. If you’re looking for a versatile channel that provides insights into various aspects of automation testing and offers interviews with experts, Joe Colantonio’s channel is a good choice.

Traversy Media

Traversy Media youtube channel

Traversy Media, hosted by Brad Traversy, is a popular channel that covers a wide range of web development and software testing topics, including automation testing. Brad provides easy-to-follow tutorials and explanations, making it a great resource for both beginners and experienced testers. Traversy Media is suitable for beginners and intermediate learners. Brad Traversy’s tutorials are beginner-friendly, making them an excellent starting point for those new to automation testing.

The channel covers a wide range of automation testing tools and concepts, with a particular focus on Selenium WebDriver, Cypress, and JavaScript-based automation. If you are a beginner or have intermediate skills in automation testing and prefer tutorials with a focus on JavaScript-based automation, Traversy Media is a good choice for you.

Key Playlists to Learn Automation Testing

Here are recommended playlists for beginners in automation testing from each of the mentioned channels:

Additional Resources to Learn Automation Testing

Complementing YouTube channels with other learning resources can provide a more well-rounded education in automation testing. Here are some additional resources that can be highly beneficial:




Online Courses:

Testing Communities:

By incorporating these additional resources into your learning journey, you can gain a deeper understanding of automation testing concepts, access in-depth documentation and tutorials, and explore different perspectives and tools. This well-rounded approach can enhance your skills and knowledge in automation testing.

Effective Learning Tips for Automation Testing

Learning Tips for Automation Testing

Learning from YouTube channels can be highly effective if you approach it with the right strategies. Here are some tips to maximize the benefits of learning from YouTube channels:

Set Clear Goals

Before you start learning from YouTube, it’s helpful to know what you want to learn. Ask yourself, “What skills or knowledge do I want from these videos?” This way, you set clear goals for your learning. Having these goals helps you stay focused and not get lost in all the content. It’s like having a map for your learning journey. You’ll know exactly where you’re headed and won’t waste time on things that don’t matter to you. So, take a moment to decide what you want to learn from YouTube. It’ll make your learning experience much better and more efficient.

Organize Your Learning

To make your learning from YouTube more effective, it’s important to get organized. Start by making a schedule or plan for your learning journey. Decide when you’ll watch videos, when you’ll practice what you’ve learned, and when you’ll review your progress. Consistency is the secret ingredient here. Stick to your schedule and try to learn a little bit every day or at regular intervals. This helps your brain absorb and retain information better compared to cramming all at once.

By organizing your learning, you ensure that you cover the material thoroughly and don’t miss out on important topics. Plus, having a plan in place keeps you motivated and accountable for your learning goals. So, whether it’s setting aside an hour each evening or dedicating weekends to learning, creating a learning schedule and sticking to it will significantly boost the effectiveness of your YouTube-based learning journey.

Take Notes

When you’re learning from YouTube videos, it’s a smart idea to take notes. While watching, jot down the main ideas, helpful tips, and important techniques that the videos cover. Don’t just copy what the presenter says; try to explain things in your own words. Taking notes serves a couple of crucial purposes. First, it helps you remember what you’ve learned. Writing things down reinforces your understanding of the material. Second, your notes become a handy reference you can go back to whenever you need a quick review.

Think of your notes as your personal cheat sheet for the subject. They’re especially helpful if you need to recall specific details or steps from the video lessons later on. So, keep a notebook or digital document handy while you watch and make the most of your learning experience from YouTube.

Engage Actively

Active engagement is the key to making the most of your YouTube learning experience. Instead of just watching passively, be an active learner. Don’t hesitate to pause the video when something isn’t clear or when there’s a concept you want to try out yourself. By pausing and actively participating, you’re doing more than just listening; you’re putting what you learn into practice. This hands-on approach helps solidify your understanding and improves your memory retention. It’s like learning to ride a bike by actually getting on one instead of just reading about it.

So, don’t be afraid to experiment with the concepts or code discussed in the videos. This not only helps you learn better but also builds your practical skills. Learning is a dynamic process, and being an active learner on YouTube can make a significant difference in how well you grasp and apply the material.

Practice What You Learn

After absorbing knowledge from YouTube tutorials, the real magic happens when you put it into practice. Practical application is a cornerstone of effective learning. Once you’ve watched a tutorial, take the concepts you’ve learned and apply them to real-world scenarios. For instance, if you’ve been learning automation testing, write your own automation scripts or dive into hands-on exercises that mirror real testing situations.

By practicing what you learn, you’re not only reinforcing your understanding but also building valuable skills. It’s like learning to play a musical instrument or a sport – you become better through practice. The practical aspect also helps you discover any challenges or gaps in your knowledge. When you encounter issues, you have the opportunity to troubleshoot and problem-solve, which deepens your expertise.

While absorbing knowledge from YouTube is a great start, it’s the practical application that truly cements your learning. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and apply what you’ve learned in real-life scenarios – that’s where the true learning journey begins.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is a vital part of the learning process, and it’s especially relevant when you’re learning from YouTube channels. If you find yourself puzzled or facing challenges, don’t hesitate to seek answers. Most YouTube channels have a comment section where you can ask questions directly related to the video content. Additionally, don’t limit yourself to just YouTube. Engage with the community or the channel’s host on other platforms like social media, forums, or dedicated websites. These platforms often provide a more interactive space for discussions and learning.

By asking questions, you’re actively participating in your own learning journey. You gain deeper insights, clear up any doubts, and learn from the experiences of others. It’s a powerful way to enhance your understanding and make the most of your YouTube-based education. Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question when it comes to learning. Embrace curiosity, reach out for help, and keep the learning conversation alive.

Join Communities

Connecting with like-minded individuals in the field of automation testing can significantly enhance your learning journey. Seek out online communities or forums dedicated to automation testing, and consider joining them. Being part of a community offers several advantages. You can gain valuable insights from the experiences and expertise of others. When you encounter challenges, the community can provide support and solutions. Additionally, it opens doors for collaboration and networking with professionals in the industry.

These communities often share resources, discussions, and even job opportunities related to automation testing. They can be excellent platforms for staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field. Participating in discussions, sharing your knowledge, and seeking advice from the community members can greatly enrich your understanding of automation testing. It’s a way to learn collectively, benefiting from the collective wisdom of the community, and staying engaged in this dynamic field.

Review and Recap

Regularly revisiting and summarizing what you’ve learned is a powerful way to reinforce your knowledge in automation testing. After watching videos and completing lessons, take some time to review and recap. Creating summary notes or flashcards can be incredibly effective. Summarize key concepts, techniques, and important points from the videos in your own words. Flashcards can be especially useful for quick, on-the-go reviews. This process of summarization forces you to condense and internalize the material.

Additionally, look out for recap videos or tutorials provided by the YouTube channels you follow. These recap sessions often revisit essential concepts and may offer new insights or practical applications. They serve as valuable refreshers for the material you’ve already covered. By periodically reviewing and recapping, you’re reinforcing your understanding and ensuring that the knowledge stays with you over the long term. It’s a practice that enhances retention and keeps your automation testing skills sharp.

Stay Updated

Staying up-to-date is essential in the ever-evolving world of automation testing. Automation tools, techniques, and best practices are continually advancing. To ensure you’re on the cutting edge, subscribe to the YouTube channels you follow and turn on notifications for updates. By staying connected, you’ll receive timely information about the latest trends, tools, and techniques directly from experts in the field. YouTube channels often release new content addressing emerging topics, industry changes, and innovative tools, ensuring you’re in the know.

Additionally, consider following related social media accounts, blogs, or newsletters of automation testing experts and organizations. Engaging with the broader testing community can provide even more insights and opportunities to learn about the newest developments. In a field as dynamic as automation testing, continuous learning and staying updated are not optional but necessary for success. Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning and make use of the wealth of knowledge available on YouTube and beyond to keep your skills relevant and effective.

Combine Multiple Resources

Diversifying your learning sources is a smart strategy when it comes to mastering automation testing. While YouTube channels are fantastic resources, don’t limit yourself to just one. Explore a variety of channels, complementing your video tutorials with blogs, books, and online courses. Each source offers a unique perspective and may cover topics in different ways or depth. By exploring multiple resources, you gain a more comprehensive understanding of automation testing. If one source doesn’t quite resonate with your learning style, another might provide the clarity you need.

Blogs offer in-depth articles, while books provide structured, in-depth knowledge. Online courses often provide hands-on experience. Combining these resources enriches your learning experience and ensures you get a well-rounded education. Moreover, the field of automation testing is vast and continuously evolving. Relying on multiple resources keeps you adaptable and up-to-date, equipping you with a broader skill set and a deeper understanding. So, cast a wide net and leverage the multitude of learning materials available to become a proficient automation tester.

Teach Others

Teaching others what you’ve learned is a powerful way to solidify your knowledge in automation testing. When you explain concepts to someone else, you have to break down complex ideas into simpler terms, which deepens your understanding. Teaching also highlights areas where you might need further clarification. If you can’t explain a concept clearly to someone else, it’s a signal that you might need to revisit and refine your own understanding. This self-assessment can be invaluable for your learning journey.

You can share your knowledge with friends, colleagues, or even through online platforms like forums or social media. Don’t underestimate the impact of teaching – it not only benefits others but also enhances your expertise and confidence in automation testing. It’s a win-win situation where everyone involved gains a deeper understanding of the subject matter. So, don’t hesitate to become a teacher as well as a learner in your automation testing adventure.

Stay Patient and Persistent

Learning automation testing, especially if you’re starting from scratch, can indeed present challenges. It’s essential to maintain patience and persistence throughout your learning journey. Automation testing is a multifaceted field, and grasping its intricacies takes time. You may encounter difficulties and setbacks along the way, but it’s crucial not to get discouraged. Embrace the learning process as a gradual journey.

Consistency and practice are your best allies. Automation testing is a skill that improves with time and hands-on experience. Celebrate small victories along the way, and don’t be afraid to seek help or clarification when needed. 

Remember that effective learning is a personalized journey. Adjust these tips to fit your learning style and preferences. The key is to remain motivated, stay consistent, and apply what you learn in practical scenarios to become a proficient automation tester.


In automation testing, you should always keep learning and staying up-to-date. Tools and methods change fast, so it’s important to stay current. Give the recommended YouTube channels a try, and use the extra resources we mentioned. Learning can be exciting and rewarding, so start your journey today! Don’t forget, practice and patience will get you where you want to be.


What is automation testing, and why is it important?

Automation testing is a software testing technique that uses automated tools and scripts to perform tests on software applications. It’s important because it enhances the efficiency, repeatability, and accuracy of testing processes. Automation helps detect bugs early, ensures consistent test coverage, and allows testers to focus on complex scenarios while saving time and resources.

What programming languages are commonly used in automation testing?

Several programming languages are popular in automation testing, including Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript. The choice of language often depends on the testing tools and frameworks being used. For instance, Selenium, a widely used automation testing tool, supports multiple languages, with Java and Python being among the most commonly used.


How can I start learning automation testing if I have no prior experience?

If you’re new to automation testing, begin by learning the fundamentals of software testing concepts. Then, familiarize yourself with a testing tool like Selenium WebDriver and a programming language like Java or Python. You can find online courses, YouTube tutorials, blogs, and books to help you get started. Practice is key, so work on small automation projects to apply what you’ve learned and build your skills progressively. Joining testing communities or forums can also provide valuable support and guidance as you embark on your automation testing journey.

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  1. Best YouTube Channels to Learn Automation Testing
    • The Testing Academy
    • Guru99
    • QAShahin
    • Joe Colantonio
    • Traversy Media
  2. Key Playlists to Learn Automation Testing
  3. Additional Resources to Learn Automation Testing
  4. Effective Learning Tips for Automation Testing
    • Set Clear Goals
    • Organize Your Learning
    • Take Notes
    • Engage Actively
    • Practice What You Learn
    • Ask Questions
    • Join Communities
    • Review and Recap
    • Stay Updated
    • Combine Multiple Resources
    • Teach Others
    • Stay Patient and Persistent
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs
    • What is automation testing, and why is it important?
    • What programming languages are commonly used in automation testing?
    • How can I start learning automation testing if I have no prior experience?