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10 Unique AngularJS Project Ideas [With Source Code]

By Lukesh S

AngularJS is a prominent JavaScript framework that every full-stack developer should know. In order to master, real-world AngularJS project ideas are the best way to do so. 

Plus, real-world AngularJS projects help you apply the concepts you’ve learned and gain practical experience.

In this article, we’ll explore some exciting AngularJS project ideas that can help you expand your coding skills while giving you a portfolio to showcase your expertise. These AngularJS projects range from beginner-friendly to more advanced topics, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Table of contents

  1. Top 10 AngularJS Project Ideas
    • Digital Wallet Application
    • Real-Time Chess Game
    • Music Synthesizer
    • Employee Performance Review Tracker
    • Content Management System (CMS)
    • Currency Converter
    • Online Quiz Application
    • Virtual Event Platform
    • Real Estate Listing App
    • Fitness Tracker
  2. Conclusion
  3. FAQs
    • What are the easy Angular JS project ideas for beginners?
    • Why are Angular JS projects important for beginners?
    • What skills can beginners learn from Angular JS projects?
    • Which Angular JS project is recommended for someone with no prior programming experience?
    • How long does it typically take to complete a beginner-level Angular JS project?

Top 10 AngularJS Project Ideas

This section covers some unique AngularJS project ideas that you can explore to take your skills to the next level. 

These AngularJS projects offer different levels of complexity, ensuring that there’s something for everyone, from beginners to more experienced developers.

1. Digital Wallet Application

A digital wallet allows users to store, manage, and transact cryptocurrencies or digital tokens. This project covers essential features like portfolio tracking, transaction history, and price alerts. You’ll implement both the frontend for user interaction and the backend for secure transactions.

Time Taken: 3-4 weeks

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Node.js, MongoDB, and third-party APIs for real-time price data (e.g., CoinGecko)

Learning Outcome: Learn to work with financial data securely, manage real-time data updates, and integrate third-party APIs.

Features of the Project: Secure login, transaction management, portfolio tracking, price alerts

Integration with APIs: CoinGecko API for real-time crypto prices

Deployment Options: Firebase, Heroku

Security Measures: Authentication (JWT), encryption for transactions

Source Code: Digital Wallet Application

2. Real-Time Chess Game

This project involves creating a chess game using AngularJS and TypeScript, where users can play against AI or another player. You’ll practice state management and learn how to use WebSockets for real-time gameplay.

Time Taken: 3-4 weeks

Project Complexity: Advanced

Technology Stack: AngularJS, TypeScript, WebSockets, Node.js

Learning Outcome: Gain experience with state management and real-time updates using WebSockets.

Features of the Project: Real-time gameplay, AI opponent, custom board designs, multiplayer options

Integration with APIs: Optional, for saving player profiles and match history

Deployment Options: Heroku, AWS

Security Measures: Secure player login, encrypted communication between players

Source Code: Real-Time Chess Game

3. Music Synthesizer

This Angular-based synthesizer allows users to create and modulate sounds using the Web Audio API. Users can generate basic waveforms and save their favorite modulations, giving them control over the sound they create.

Time Taken: 2-3 weeks

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Web Audio API

Learning Outcome: Learn how to work with audio data and real-time sound modulation using AngularJS.

Features of the Project: Audio waveform generation, MIDI device support, equalizer, sequencer

Integration with APIs: Web Audio API

Deployment Options: Netlify, Firebase

Security Measures: N/A (minimal security concerns)

Source Code: Music Synthesizer

4. Employee Performance Review Tracker

This project helps organizations track employee performance reviews, allowing users to update, view, and delete reviews. It involves implementing a backend system for handling CRUD operations.

Time Taken: 4-5 weeks

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Node.js, MongoDB

Learning Outcome: Learn CRUD operations, form handling, and data management.

Features of the Project: Performance review management, CRUD operations, secure login

Integration with APIs: Optional, for external HR systems integration

Deployment Options: Firebase, Heroku

Security Measures: User authentication, secure data storage

Source Code: Employee Performance Review Tracker


5. Content Management System (CMS)

A CMS allows users to manage and publish content like blogs or news articles. This project will teach you how to manage media files, user roles, and implement SEO-friendly practices.

Time Taken: 5-6 weeks

Project Complexity: Advanced

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Node.js, MongoDB

Learning Outcome: Learn to build scalable web applications with user authentication and media management.

Features of the Project: Media management, role-based access control, content publishing, SEO optimization

Integration with APIs: Cloudinary API for image storage

Deployment Options: Heroku, AWS

Security Measures: Secure login and access control

Source Code: Content Management System

6. Currency Converter 

This project involves creating a currency converter that not only converts between different currencies but also stores a history of conversions. Users can view exchange rates for multiple currencies and track conversion trends over time.

Time Taken: 2-3 weeks

Project Complexity: Beginner

Technology Stack: AngularJS, ExchangeRate API, Node.js

Learning Outcome: Learn API integration, handling HTTP requests, and displaying historical data.

Features of the Project: Currency conversion, exchange rate history, time-based trends

Integration with APIs: ExchangeRate API for fetching real-time exchange rates

Deployment Options: Firebase, Netlify

Security Measures: Basic input validation for currency values

Source Code: Currency Converter

7. Online Quiz Application

This project allows users to take quizzes on various topics, keep track of their scores, and display the results in real time. It involves dynamic question generation, timers, and score tracking.

Time Taken: 3-4 weeks

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Node.js, MongoDB

Learning Outcome: Learn how to implement dynamic forms, use AngularJS routing, and manage state.

Features of the Project: Randomized questions, timer functionality, score tracking, and leaderboard

Integration with APIs: Optional, for fetching quiz data from a database

Deployment Options: Heroku, Firebase

Security Measures: Data validation for quiz answers

Source Code: Online Quiz Application

8. Virtual Event Platform

This project involves building a virtual event platform that lets users organize, host, and attend virtual events. Features include ticketing, live-streaming, and a chat interface for real-time interactions during the events.

Time Taken: 5-6 weeks

Project Complexity: Advanced

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Node.js, WebSockets

Learning Outcome: Gain experience in real-time communication, event management, and integrating payment systems for ticketing.

Features of the Project: Ticket booking, event streaming, real-time chat, user authentication

Integration with APIs: Payment gateway integration for ticketing (e.g., Stripe or PayPal)

Deployment Options: AWS, Firebase Hosting

Security Measures: Secure ticketing system, user authentication

Source Code: Virtual Event Platform

9. Real Estate Listing App

A real estate listing app where users can search for properties based on filters like price, location, and amenities. It includes an admin dashboard for property management and a Google Maps integration for property location display.

Time Taken: 4-5 weeks

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Firebase, Google Maps API

Learning Outcome: Learn how to use third-party APIs, manage property listings, and build a dashboard for administrators.

Features of the Project: Property search, filters, map integration, admin dashboard

Integration with APIs: Google Maps API for location display

Deployment Options: Firebase, Netlify

Security Measures: Secure login for admins, data validation

Source Code: Real Estate Listing App

10. Fitness Tracker

This project allows users to log their workouts, track their progress, and monitor their fitness goals. The app can integrate with fitness devices or allow manual input of workout data, providing a visual representation of progress.

Time Taken: 4 weeks

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Technology Stack: AngularJS, Node.js, D3.js for data visualization

Learning Outcome: Understand data binding and visualization with D3.js, and build a dynamic UI for fitness tracking.

Features of the Project: Workout logging, progress tracking, data visualization with charts

Integration with APIs: Optional, for integrating with wearable fitness devices

Deployment Options: Firebase, AWS

Security Measures: Data encryption for sensitive fitness data

Source Code: Fitness Tracker

These unique AngularJS project ideas offer a variety of learning experiences, from working with APIs to managing real-time data. 

In case you want to learn more about AngularJS and other frameworks, consider enrolling in GUVI’s Full Stack Development online course that teaches you everything from scratch and equips you with all the necessary knowledge!


In conclusion, the AngularJS projects mentioned above are designed to enhance your development skills, covering a wide range of real-world applications. 

From building a Digital Wallet to creating a dynamic Real Estate Listing App, each project provides valuable learning opportunities in areas like API integration, real-time data management, and security best practices. 

Whether you’re a beginner working on simpler projects like the Currency Converter or an advanced developer tackling a Virtual Event Platform, these projects will help you master the AngularJS framework. 


1. What are the easy Angular JS project ideas for beginners?

Some easy AngularJS project ideas for beginners include the Currency Converter with History, which involves API integration to fetch real-time exchange rates, and a Personal Portfolio Website, where you can showcase your skills using simple AngularJS components and routing.

2. Why are Angular JS projects important for beginners?

AngularJS projects are important for beginners as they provide hands-on experience with real-world applications, helping to solidify the foundational concepts of AngularJS such as components, routing, and data binding, which are essential for mastering web development.

3. What skills can beginners learn from Angular JS projects?

Beginners can learn essential skills like API integration, form handling, data binding, and routing. They can also gain experience in working with real-time data, managing state, and securing user data in web applications.

For someone with no prior programming experience, the Personal Portfolio Website is a great start. It’s simple, easy to manage, and covers the basics of AngularJS like components, routing, and services, making it a beginner-friendly project.


5. How long does it typically take to complete a beginner-level Angular JS project?

A beginner-level AngularJS project typically takes 1 to 2 weeks to complete, depending on the complexity. Projects like the Currency Converter or Personal Portfolio Website can usually be completed within this timeframe with consistent effort.

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  1. Top 10 AngularJS Project Ideas
    • Digital Wallet Application
    • Real-Time Chess Game
    • Music Synthesizer
    • Employee Performance Review Tracker
    • Content Management System (CMS)
    • Currency Converter
    • Online Quiz Application
    • Virtual Event Platform
    • Real Estate Listing App
    • Fitness Tracker
  2. Conclusion
  3. FAQs
    • What are the easy Angular JS project ideas for beginners?
    • Why are Angular JS projects important for beginners?
    • What skills can beginners learn from Angular JS projects?
    • Which Angular JS project is recommended for someone with no prior programming experience?
    • How long does it typically take to complete a beginner-level Angular JS project?