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How to Install React.js on Windows: A Complete Guide

By Meghana D

React.js, a powerful JavaScript library from Facebook, is widely used for creating dynamic web interfaces. Setting up React on your Windows machine is your first step in modern web development. In this blog, we’ll show you how to quickly and easily set up a React development environment.

From installing Node.js to creating your first React app, you’ll be ready to start building high-performance applications in no time.

Table of contents

  1. What is React.js?
  2. How to Install React.js on Windows
    • Step 1: Install Node.js
    • Step 2: Verify the Installation
    • Step 3: Install Create React App
    • Step 4: Create a New Folder for Your React App
    • Step 5: Create a New React App
    • Step 6: Open Your Project in an IDE
    • Step 7: Start Your App
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQs
    • Why do I need Node.js to install React.js on Windows?
    • How do I verify if the create react app is installed successfully?
    • What should I do if I encounter errors during the installation process?

What is React.js?

React.js is a popular open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook, primarily used for building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications. Its main focus is on rendering UI components efficiently and updating them in response to data changes, making the development process smoother for complex and interactive web applications.

Key features of React.js include:

  1. Component-Based Architecture: React breaks down the UI into reusable components, each encapsulating its own logic and rendering, making the development and maintenance of complex applications easier.
  2. Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual representation of the actual DOM (Document Object Model) to optimize updates and minimize direct manipulation of the browser’s DOM. This results in faster rendering and improved performance.
  3. Declarative Programming: React allows developers to describe how the UI should look at any given time. When data changes, React efficiently updates and re-renders the components.
  4. Unidirectional Data Flow: React follows a one-way data flow, making it easier to track data changes, which helps with debugging and ensures predictable behavior.
  5. JSX Syntax: React uses a syntax extension called JSX (JavaScript XML) that allows developers to write HTML-like code directly within JavaScript. This makes the code more readable and easier to understand.

React is widely used for building web applications due to its flexibility, scalability, and strong community support.

Ready to elevate your web development skills? Join GUVI’s React.js course and transform your expertise into mastery. Enroll now!

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After understanding the fundamental concepts of React.js and how it empowers developers to build dynamic user interfaces, let’s move forward with a step-by-step guide on how to install React.js on Windows.

How to Install React.js on Windows

To seamlessly develop user interfaces with React.js on your Windows system, follow these steps for a smooth installation:

Step 1: Install Node.js

Start by installing the Node.js installer for Windows. Click here to visit the official Node.js website and download the LTS version (recommended). Once the installer is downloaded, run it, and follow the prompts, ensuring you don’t change any default settings. Click “Next” until the installation completes.

How to Install React.js on Windows

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Step 2: Verify the Installation

To ensure Node.js has been installed correctly, open the command prompt and type:

node -v

If the installation is successful, the terminal will display the installed version of Node.js.


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Step 3: Install Create React App

Next, in the terminal, run the following command:

npm install -g create-react-app

This command will globally install the Create React App tool. To verify the installation, type:

create-react-app –version

If installed correctly, it will display the installed version of create react app.

How to Install React.js on Windows

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Step 4: Create a New Folder for Your React App

Create a new folder for your React app by running:

mkdir newfolder

Replace “newfolder” with your desired folder name. Move inside the folder using:

cd newfolder

How to Install React.js on Windows

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Step 5: Create a New React App

Inside the newly created folder, run the command:

create-react-app your_app_name

This will take some time as it installs the required dependencies. Note: Due to npm naming restrictions, the app name should only contain lowercase letters.

How to Install React.js on Windows

Also Read: useState() Hook in React for Beginners | React Hooks 2024

Step 6: Open Your Project in an IDE

Open your preferred IDE (e.g., Visual Studio Code) and navigate to the folder where your React app was installed. Enter the directory using:

cd your_app_name

How to Install React.js on Windows

Also Read: 6 Essential Prerequisites For Learning ReactJS

Step 7: Start Your App

To start your app, run the following command:

npm start

How to Install React.js on Windows

This command will open a new tab in your browser, displaying the React logo. Congratulations! You have successfully installed a React app and are ready to start building amazing web applications.

How to Install React.js on Windows

Are you curious about how to become a proficient full-stack developer? GUVI’s Full Stack Development Course is your gateway to achieving that goal! Designed to equip you with essential skills, it offers a comprehensive curriculum covering full-stack development. Enroll now!

Must Know About Mistakes to Avoid When Starting the First React Project


Setting up a React development environment on Windows is an important foundational step for developers eager to create modern web applications. Installing Node.js and using the Create React App tool provides the essential tools to confidently build dynamic and interactive applications.

With this setup in place, developers can explore React’s vast ecosystem, designing reusable components, managing state efficiently, and ultimately building scalable, robust applications that meet diverse needs. The journey with React is filled with possibilities, enabling developers to push creative boundaries and deliver innovative web solutions.

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Node.js is required because it includes npm (Node Package Manager), which is essential for installing JavaScript libraries like React. It also allows you to run JavaScript code outside of the browser and provides a runtime environment for developing and building applications.

After installing Create React App using the command npm install -g create-react-app, you can verify the installation by running create-react-app –version in Command Prompt or PowerShell. If the version number is displayed, it confirms successful installation.

If you encounter errors, check if Node.js and npm are correctly installed and updated to the latest versions. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to install software on your computer. Also, consult the official documentation or community forums for troubleshooting guidance.

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nice. Very helpful. thanks

Brian Mailula
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Insightful and very detail approach.

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  1. What is React.js?
  2. How to Install React.js on Windows
    • Step 1: Install Node.js
    • Step 2: Verify the Installation
    • Step 3: Install Create React App
    • Step 4: Create a New Folder for Your React App
    • Step 5: Create a New React App
    • Step 6: Open Your Project in an IDE
    • Step 7: Start Your App
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQs
    • Why do I need Node.js to install React.js on Windows?
    • How do I verify if the create react app is installed successfully?
    • What should I do if I encounter errors during the installation process?