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How To Learn Automation Testing At Home? 4 Simplified Steps!

By Archana

How to learn Automation Testing at home? Any plans? Track them below.

Automated Testing expedites the overall testing process while reducing the tedious human intervention. It also increases the depth and scope of tests that improve the software quality and increase the test coverage of the application modules.

In short, Automation Testing helps the DevOps team to ship the software to the market at the earliest. No wonder it is speedily taking over most of the current testing industry.

In fact, according to the researchers, the global Automation Testing market size is expected to grow from USD 12.6 to 28.8 billion from 2019 to 2024, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 18% during the forecast period. So, how are you preparing to enter this hastily thriving Testing industry?

Firstly, you need to underline the skills that you would need to jumpstart Automation Testing.

Table of contents

  1. Top Skills required to start Automation Testing:
  2. How to learn automation testing at home?
    • Pocket the basics:
    • Master programming languages:
    • Adopt the right tools and frameworks:
    • Take tiny steps towards progression:
  3. Yes, let's wind up!

Top Skills required to start Automation Testing:

  • Analytical Thinking & a passion for Automation Testing
  • Good grasp of programming languages
  • Excellent functional testing skills
  • Good risk mitigation skills
  • Expertise in the creation of test scripts
  • Knowledge of Automated testing tools
  • A clear understanding of business requirements
  • Good Know-how of agile, DevOps, and continuous delivery processes
  • Ingenious communication and interaction skills
  • Eagerness to learn new technologies and trends
  • Good problem-solving & reporting skills
  • Excellent at time management
How to learn automation testing at home

Whether you are a manual tester looking for a shift in your practices or a fresher trying to enter into the best automation testing practices, you need to bag the above-mentioned along with additional advanced skills specific to Automation Testing alone.

We have a few hacks to get started with Automation Testing. Many beginners have adopted these techniques and found their ways to Automation Testing. We hope they will guide you to your destination too!

Before we jump on to the top ways how to learn automation testing at home; check this: Who Is An Automation Testing Engineer? & How To Become One?

How to learn automation testing at home?

We have sorted it out for you! With the experience of over 1000+ learners, we have jotted down these important steps for you! Master Automation Testing the smarter way!

1. Pocket the basics:
2. Master programming languages:
3. Adopt the right tools and frameworks:
4. Take tiny steps towards progression:

1. Pocket the basics:

Being a tester already can be a win-win for you. Keep practising & learning. The best advantage of this internet era is the accessibility and availability of resources. From the wide arena of resources: books, videos, tutorials, online classes, forums, conferences, meetups, communities, social media, etc., you receive all that can push you to get started with Automation Testing basics.

Let’s dig deep and track the resources in detail and nail: How to learn automation testing at home?

▶️Some books that can help you learn the basics of Automation Testing

Name of the bookAuthorCover pageDetails
Selenium SimplifiedAlan Richardsonimage 16Selenium-RC, Java & JUnit
Hands-On Automation Testing with Java for BeginnersRahul Shettyimage 10Build automation testing frameworks from scratch with Java
Selenium Testing Tools CookbookUnmesh Gundechaimage 17a cookbook packed with code examples and step-by-step instructions to ease your learning curve. Provides examples for C#, Python, and Ruby users.
Selenium Webdriver Practical Guide Satya Avasarlaimage 18Interactively automate web applications using the Selenium web driver
Practical Network AutomationAbhishek Ratanimage 13A beginner’s guide to automating and optimizing networks using Python, Ansible, and more, 2nd Edition
Software Automation Testing Tools for BeginnersRahul Shendeimage 11Learn the best in industry Automation tools from basic to Advance
Learning Robotic Process AutomationAlok Mani Tripathiimage 14Create Software robots and automate business processes with the leading RPA tool – UiPath
Getting started with RPA using Automation Anywhere: Vaibhav Srivastava image 15Automate your day-to-day Business Processes using Automation Anywhere

▶️Which video is the best to learn Automation Testing from scratch?

You can learn Automation Testing by joining GUVI’s Selenium Automation Testing Course with Placement Guidance.

When you become a learner at GUVI, meetups, webinars, conferences, & workshops come in handy for you!

▶️Top Forums best to learn Automation Testing from scratch?

  1. uTest
  2. testHuddle
  3. QualityTesting
  4. LinkedIn
  5. Quora

Above all, no matter how good an automation engineer you are, there’s always a scope to learn. For your information, the testing community is robust, and active online and offline, with many people who are happy to provide guidance and mentorship.

How to learn automation testing at home? Learn these tools: Top 20 Best Robotic Process Automation Tools in 2024


2. Master programming languages:

Like any other techie, mastering programming languages is an invaluable skill for testers. Again, manual testing did not demand an understanding of programming languages to a vast level.

However, Automation Testers undoubtedly, need to excel in at least one programming language while possessing a good grasp of most of the other programming languages too! And so, if you are a manual tester, learning to code will probably be one of the most difficult parts of learning test automation.

To be precise, Test Automation is impossible without coding knowledge. So knowledge of programming languages is something you should have. 

At GUVI, we always recommend any programmer start with Python, and an Automation Tester is no exception. 

Additionally, other skills like XML, HTML, CSS, XPATH, and SOAP are the add-ons that you should grab before getting started.

Can you master Programming languages at home? Now that is a question you should ask yourself. While we do not deny that it is achievable. Mastering programming languages is better done with us! Don’t believe me: Check this: GUVI Sharing.

Next on the list of ways how to learn automation testing at home is the adoption of the right tools and techniques.

3. Adopt the right tools and frameworks:

If you ask us, what’s the most important? Mastering the right tools and frameworks is the key to success as an Automation Testing Expert. Even if you are wondering about How to learn automation testing at home, this point holds a vital place. 

Automation Testing can be a lot easier if you pick and master the right combination of frameworks, open-source tools, and third-party tools. 

As a manual tester, you might have depended more on your mouse and keyboard. However, here the scene is entirely a different story. 

You may stick to Selenium WebDriver, as a foundation of your automated testing approach. Selenium is the most popular WebDriver, which is convenient because you can use any of the new languages you recently acquired. 

You may start learning Selenium here: Selenium Automation Testing Course

Enlightening yourself with testing frameworks like Nightwatch.JS, Cucumber, and Protractor is the next go-to plan.

Then, you may pick up libraries like Capybara and Watir and Continuous Integration tools like Jenkins CI and TeamCity to stand out as an Automation Testing Expert.

Learn Selenium Automation Testing from the Experts:

Automation Testing
How to learn automation testing at home?

In addition, if you master paid tools like CrossBrowserTesting, you will make your life a lot easier, especially when you wish to run tests across different browsers. 

There’s another tip for you! If writing scripts is overwhelming, you can use Record & Replay for lightweight, codeless automated testing.

4. Take tiny steps towards progression:

Well, not rocket science! It is the most crucial technique when it comes to learning any new technology, no matter how big it might be! 

Step into automation testing by practising on the smaller test cases that would be comparatively easier to debug, maintain, and reuse. Make it a point not to stumble upon the most difficult ones at the beginning, or you’ll turn your life much more hard in the end. 

Also, make a point to prioritize which tests you want to automate in general. Just because you acquired this new skill of automated testing, don’t go around applying it to everything! 

Another important point to understand is that it’s practically impossible to automate everything. In fact, many things are better off being done manually. 

Make sure to polish off those exploratory testing skills when you see a new feature rolling down! In addition, you’ll want to create a list of the browsers and devices that are essential to your particular test automation plan.

All that said, you might have already figured out how to learn Automation Testing at home! Isn’t it? So, shall we wrap?


Yes, let’s wind up!

So, How to learn automation testing at home?

Conclusively, Learn, Practice, and Run automated test scripts!

Join us and learn the best Automation Testing skills just in 5 months!

For more related articles to How to learn automation testing at home? Check here:

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  1. Top Skills required to start Automation Testing:
  2. How to learn automation testing at home?
    • Pocket the basics:
    • Master programming languages:
    • Adopt the right tools and frameworks:
    • Take tiny steps towards progression:
  3. Yes, let's wind up!