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12 Interesting Natural Language Processing Project Ideas [With Source Code]

By Lukesh S

How come machines understand human language? If you’ve dived into Natural Language Processing (NLP), you might already know that it’s one of the most fascinating branches of AI that deals with the connection between machines and humans. 

But do you know where to start when it comes to Natural Language Processing project ideas? This article consists of natural language processing project ideas that will give you the experience you need to level up.

Let’s explore some unique natural language processing project ideas that not only challenge you but also equip you with the knowledge of key NLP concepts. 

Table of contents

  1. Top 12 Natural Language Processing Project Ideas
    • Text Summarization for News Articles
    • Chatbot for Customer Service Automation
    • Language Detection Tool
    • Sentiment Analysis for Product Reviews
    • Named Entity Recognition (NER) for Legal Documents
    • Emotion Detection in Conversations
    • Spam Detection System for Emails
    • Text-Based Sentiment Analysis for Financial News
    • Speech-to-Text Conversion
    • Automated Essay Scoring System
    • Text Generation with LSTM
    • Machine Translation System
  2. Conclusion
  3. FAQs
    • What are the easy Natural Language Processing project ideas for beginners?
    • Why are Natural Language Processing projects important for beginners?
    • What skills can beginners learn from Natural Language Processing projects?
    • Which Natural Language Processing project is recommended for someone with no prior programming experience?
    • How long does it typically take to complete a beginner-level Natural Language Processing project?

Top 12 Natural Language Processing Project Ideas 

These Natural Language Processing project ideas are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of how it works and how it enhances real-world applications.

1. Text Summarization for News Articles

If you’ve ever wanted to get the gist of lengthy articles in seconds, this project is for you. You’ll build a system that can automatically summarize long pieces of text into concise summaries. This Natural Language Processing project is useful for media outlets or users who want quick insights.

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes: Learn about text preprocessing, tokenization, and the application of algorithms like Extractive and Abstractive Summarization.

Time Taken: 7-10 days

Real-World Application: Useful for automating content creation or summarizing legal and news documents.

Required Tools and Libraries: NLTK, Hugging Face’s Transformers, and spaCy

Source Code: Text Summarization

2. Chatbot for Customer Service Automation

Build a chatbot that understands user queries and provides the appropriate responses. Think of it as a mini version of Siri or Alexa! You’ll train the chatbot using NLP techniques like Named Entity Recognition and Intent Classification.

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes: Understand how to process conversational data, apply sentiment analysis, and use pre-trained models.

Time Taken: 10-14 days

Real-World Application: Automating customer service for businesses and reducing human dependency.

Required Tools and Libraries: NLTK, TensorFlow, Rasa

Source Code: Chatbot for Customer Service

3. Language Detection Tool

This project allows you to create a tool that automatically detects the language of a given text. It’s an excellent way to explore text classification and learn how languages differ in structure and syntax.

Project Complexity: Beginner

Learning Outcomes: Learn about supervised learning and multiclass classification using NLP features.

Time Taken: 5-7 days

Real-World Application: Useful in translation services, social media content moderation, and multilingual software development.

Required Tools and Libraries: NLTK, spaCy

Source Code: Language Detection Tool

4. Sentiment Analysis for Product Reviews

Ever wondered how companies figure out whether customers are happy with their products? Sentiment analysis is the key! In this project, you’ll build a system that analyzes customer feedback and categorizes it as positive, neutral, or negative.

Project Complexity: Beginner

Learning Outcomes: Learn how to classify text data using machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression.

Time Taken: 7 days

Real-World Application: Widely used in customer experience management, social media monitoring, and market research.

Required Tools and Libraries: NLTK, TextBlob, and TensorFlow

Source Code: Sentiment Analysis

In this project, you’ll focus on extracting important entities like names, organizations, locations, and dates from legal documents. NER systems can scan documents and automatically categorize information, saving hours of manual work.

Project Complexity: Advanced

Learning Outcomes: Understand deep learning for NLP and how to implement NER using advanced libraries.

Time Taken: 14-21 days

Real-World Application: Widely used in automating document management, especially in legal and compliance industries.

Required Tools and Libraries: spaCy, Hugging Face

Source Code: Named Entity Recognition (NER)


6. Emotion Detection in Conversations

By building this tool, you’ll detect the emotion behind a message—whether it’s joy, sadness, anger, or surprise. This project dives deep into sentiment analysis and emotion classification.

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes: Get hands-on experience with emotion-based text classification and dataset balancing.

Time Taken: 10-14 days

Real-World Application: Emotional analysis for customer feedback, human resource departments, or counseling apps.

Required Tools and Libraries: NLTK, Keras, TextBlob

Source Code: Emotion Detection

7. Spam Detection System for Emails

Ever wondered how Gmail filters out those pesky spam emails? This project will help you build your own spam detection system, using NLP techniques like feature extraction and classification algorithms.

Project Complexity: Beginner

Learning Outcomes: Understand how to classify emails as spam or not spam using Natural Language Processing techniques.

Time Taken: 5-7 days

Real-World Application: Widely used by email providers to improve user experience and protect against malicious content.

Required Tools and Libraries: scikit-learn, NLTK

Source Code: Spam Detection System

8. Text-Based Sentiment Analysis for Financial News

In this project, you’ll build a sentiment analysis tool specifically for financial news articles. It will help analyze the sentiment of news stories and understand whether the market sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral.

Project Complexity: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes: Learn how to preprocess financial text, use sentiment analysis models, and interpret market-related language.

Time Taken: 10-14 days

Real-World Application: Used by investors and financial institutions to gauge market sentiment and make informed decisions.

Required Tools and Libraries: NLTK, TextBlob, scikit-learn

Source Code: Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 

9. Speech-to-Text Conversion

This project involves converting spoken language into text, similar to how Google Voice works. You’ll use NLP techniques to process the spoken words and accurately translate them into written form.

Project Complexity: Advanced

Learning Outcomes: Learn about speech recognition, audio preprocessing, and NLP text conversion techniques.

Time Taken: 14-21 days

Real-World Application: Used in applications like virtual assistants, transcription services, and accessibility tools.

Required Tools and Libraries: SpeechRecognition, PyAudio, NLTK

Source Code: Speech-to-Text Conversion

10. Automated Essay Scoring System

Create a system that automatically grades essays based on various NLP metrics like grammar, coherence, and vocabulary. This project is perfect for understanding text evaluation algorithms.

Project Complexity: Advanced

Learning Outcomes: Explore text evaluation, feature extraction, and scoring models in NLP.

Time Taken: 14-21 days

Real-World Application: Useful in educational platforms to automate the grading process and provide instant feedback.

Required Tools and Libraries: NLTK, spaCy, TensorFlow

Source Code: Automated Essay Scoring System

11. Text Generation with LSTM

This project involves using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to generate coherent text based on a given input dataset.

Project Complexity: Advanced

Learning Outcomes: Learn how to apply deep learning techniques like LSTM for sequence modeling and text generation.

Time Taken: 10-14 days

Real-World Application: Used in creative writing applications, chatbots, and even content generation for marketing.

Required Tools and Libraries: Keras, TensorFlow, NLTK

Source Code: Text Generation

12. Machine Translation System

Create your own mini Google Translate! In this project, you’ll build a machine translation system that can translate text from one language to another using NLP and neural networks.

Project Complexity: Advanced

Learning Outcomes: Understand how to preprocess bilingual text, train translation models, and fine-tune them for accuracy.

Time Taken: 14-21 days

Real-World Application: Widely used in travel apps, language learning platforms, and international business communications.

Required Tools and Libraries: Hugging Face Transformers, PyTorch, TensorFlow

Source Code: Machine Translation System

These natural language processing project ideas will further expand your experience and showcase your NLP skills to potential employers. 

In case you want to learn more about natural language processing and its concepts, consider enrolling in GUVI’s Machine Learning Certification Course which teaches you everything from scratch and equips you with all the necessary knowledge!


In conclusion, Natural Language Processing is a powerful field that’s constantly evolving. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate learner, these natural language processing project ideas will give you the perfect opportunity to practice your skills. 

With the source codes provided, you’ll be able to jumpstart your projects and see how NLP works in real-world applications. Now, it’s time to pick a project and start coding!


1. What are the easy Natural Language Processing project ideas for beginners?

Projects like spam detection, sentiment analysis, and language detection are perfect for beginners. They introduce basic NLP concepts without overwhelming you with complexity.

2. Why are Natural Language Processing projects important for beginners?

NLP projects help beginners understand how machines process human language. They also give you practical experience with popular libraries and tools used in the industry.

3. What skills can beginners learn from Natural Language Processing projects?

By working on NLP projects, you’ll learn skills like text preprocessing, sentiment analysis, classification, and how to use popular NLP libraries like NLTK, spaCy, and Hugging Face.

A simple spam detection system is a great start. It requires basic understanding and introduces you to text classification and feature extraction.


5. How long does it typically take to complete a beginner-level Natural Language Processing project?

Depending on the complexity, a beginner-level project like sentiment analysis or spam detection can take between 5 to 7 days.

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  1. Top 12 Natural Language Processing Project Ideas
    • Text Summarization for News Articles
    • Chatbot for Customer Service Automation
    • Language Detection Tool
    • Sentiment Analysis for Product Reviews
    • Named Entity Recognition (NER) for Legal Documents
    • Emotion Detection in Conversations
    • Spam Detection System for Emails
    • Text-Based Sentiment Analysis for Financial News
    • Speech-to-Text Conversion
    • Automated Essay Scoring System
    • Text Generation with LSTM
    • Machine Translation System
  2. Conclusion
  3. FAQs
    • What are the easy Natural Language Processing project ideas for beginners?
    • Why are Natural Language Processing projects important for beginners?
    • What skills can beginners learn from Natural Language Processing projects?
    • Which Natural Language Processing project is recommended for someone with no prior programming experience?
    • How long does it typically take to complete a beginner-level Natural Language Processing project?