7 Must-Watch Data Science YouTube Channels


Freecodecamp has a community of eight million people, dedicated to learning to code together.  The hands-on approach of their videos allows you to follow along with code snippets & walkthroughs, making it easier to learn by doing.

The Coding Train

The Coding Train, created by Daniel Shiffman has about two million subscribers.  Daniel’s videos are not only educational but also entertaining. His clear explanations and engaging style make complex topics easier to grasp.

Data Science Jojo

With over 80k subscribers, what sets this channel apart is its unique, easy-to-follow & engaging way of presenting complex concepts.  They often use analogies and stories to explain difficult data science topics, making them more accessible.

University of Washington

For those seeking a more academic approach, the University of Washington’s YouTube channel is an excellent resource.  With nearly 150k subscribers, this channel offers free data science courses taught by esteemed professors from the university.


StatQuest is a YouTube channel created by Josh Starmer, a data scientist specializing in machine learning and deep learning.  With a focus on informative content, Josh provides insights and explanations that you won’t find elsewhere.

Corey Shafer

With over 80k Subscribers, Corey Shafer’s YouTube videos focus on solving real-world problems with Data Science.  Corey’s series, “Data Science from Scratch,” provides a hands-on introduction to the very basics.


Sentdex by Harrison Kinsley focuses on Python programming, machine learning & data visualization.  With over one million subscribers, Harrison’s clear style of instruction & ability to simplify complex concepts makes his videos valuable resources for learners.

Want to learn more about Data Science on YouTube? Find out more on these best channels!