
Hi, I am seeing I have so many points.

How do I earn more points and what is the use of them?

Hey!! We award you points for being active
in the site and doing activities like
Completing your profile, Watching videos, Taking quiz, etc.
For details, scroll down.

Register with us50 Points
For every login20 Points
Complete your profile 100%200 Points
Refer your Friends200 Points
Watch Course videos50 Points
Submit Course Assignments20 Points
Course Quiz Quick Submission50 Points
Course Level Upgrade200 Points
Submit programming question collection / puzzle collectionSurprise bonus - 10k to 2000k Points
codekata beginner level submit5 points on submit, 45 points after your submission approved by GUVI Team. Total - 50 Points.
codekata player level submit15 points on submit, 135 points after your submission approved by GUVI Team. Total - 150 Points.
codekata hunter level submit40 points on submit, 360 points after your submission approved by GUVI Team. Total - 400 Points.
codekata pro level submit100 points on submit, 900 points after your submission approved by GUVI Team. Total - 1000 Points.
* Note : Added points on submit will be deducted if your code has been rejected by GUVI Team.

Oh. That's cool. What can I do with these points?

If you have enough points,
You can buy our courses, join our mentorship program,
win exciting prizes like SmartPhones, Pen Drives, etc.
You will also be featured in our Leaderboard
if you are one of the top point earners.

Buy Course
C Course10K Points (Rs. 1000/- worth course)
C++ Course10K Points
Java15K Points
Ruby, Python, etc.20K Points

Apply for Mentorship program

100K Points