Refer & Earn Great Rewards.

Apple products, Amazon Voucher & much more to win!

It’s a win-win season. Refer GUVI Free industry accredited courses to your friends & family to win exciting rewards. Earn referral points upon each verified sign-up & redeem points later to claim your prize.

More Signups = Bigger Rewards!

Login to start referring your friends!

How can Everybody Win Rewards?

How will I win Rewards upon Referral?

Refer our FREE Atomic Courses to your friends, & when they sign-up to GUVI for enrolling their favorite atomic course, then Your referral sign-up count increases. You’d win multiple amazing gifts like Amazon Gift Vouchers, Discount coupons & GUVI premium passes based on your referral sign-up count.

How does this benefit my Friends?

Your friends can sign-up to GUVI & Unlock their favorite Industry-accredited Courses on GUVI for Free. These are the Atomic library courses, which are accredited by well-reputed establishments like IIT-Madras & UiPath.

Celebrate the Rewards together with Friends

Now you’d win Amazon Gift Vouchers, GUVI Premium Passes & more based on your referral sign-up count. While your friends Win the Best Industry-accredited Courses for Free. Isn’t this referral program a Win-Win solution for all?

1 Free Sign-up = 1 Verified Referral

More Verified Referrals = Multiple Rewards


The offer code will be shown instantly upon claiming the reward.

We will reach you through your registered email address or contact number within 7-14 working days to collect your delivery address information for sending the rewards.

Please note that each signup is counted as valid referral only on the event of verifing the account information including both email and contact number

Please note that each signup is counted as a valid referral only upon the event of verifying the account information that includes both email address and contact number.