Is your startup working on technologies related to AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision, NLP, Speech Recognition, etc.?
Do you have kickass hackers in your startup who know what it takes to work with data, patterns, APIs, and visualization? You, as a startup founder want to jostle with others who breathe AI as AIR?
In one day (& night if you want) you have to create an interesting working prototype leveraging IBM Watson API Suite and publicly available datasets.
Register your startup to take part in this hackathon with a minimum of three team members. You will then have a chance to hire one or two developers/students temporarily for these two days to work on your prototype.
We foresee the following advantages to startup founders:
We forecast a good number of developers & students interested in these technologies to turn up and (needs prior registration) showcase their talents by being a part of your team for two days. We have attractive prizes from our SLP Chennai Alumni, Botminds & iYantras.
Your prototype will be judged based on usefulness, completeness, viability and your ability to leverage APIs and datasets on offer. You will get more details upon registration.
Date: July 23rd Saturday 4 pm to July 24th Sunday 6 pm.
Location: OrangeScape, TIDEL Park.
Keynote Address: Anand Chandrasekaran, Founder, Mad Street Den.
Panelists for Demo:Dorai Thodla, Senthil Nayagam & Suresh Sambantham
Prizes & Awards:
Registration Fees:
Prerequisites: Come with an open mind & your laptop armored with necessary software & hardware. We will provide food, snacks, and coffee to power you through the AI’thon.
Conceptualized & Organized for Startup Leadership, Chennai by BotMinds & iYantras
Let’s join forces to take a small first step to making Chennai the Data Science capital of India